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artificial larynxの例文


  • Some of his other accomplishments include the production of the first functional hearing aid, the 2-A audiometer, and the artificial larynx.
  • Esophageal speech is produced without an artificial larynx, and is achieved by pumping air from the mouth into the upper esophagus.
  • Following Billroth's first successful laryngectomy on December 31, 1873, Gussenbauer created an external vocal prosthesis ( artificial larynx ) for the patient.
  • The 81-year-old used an artificial larynx, a machine that when pressed against his neck reproduces his speech in a sometimes hard-to-understand monotone.
  • "Little Neutrino "'s unique vocal distortion is a result of an artificial larynx, which was used by the track's writer, Dee Long to " mouth " the track's lyrics.